Today is Beach Day!
Naledi is going on the train
for the first time.
“Who takes the train?” Naledi asks.
“Let’s wait and see,” Mom says.
“Look, Mom!” Naledi whispers.
“Hello little girl, do you want to
say hi?”
Naledi looks at Mom.
Mom nods.
“Yes please!” says Naledi.
“Please can I get one?” Naledi asks.
“We need to leave space in your
tummy for the ice-cream at the
beach,” Mom says.
“Why are you wearing pyjamas?”
Naledi asks.
“We do karate.”
“Like this!”
“Oh, look! A soldier.”
“No,” Mom says, “that is a sailor.
She is from the navy.”
“Mom! Drummers!”
“Listen, Naledi,” Mom says.
“The drums beat to the sound of
the train.”
“Do you want to dance with us?”
the drummer asks.
“We are getting off at the next
stop,” Mom tells Naledi who is now
“So, what kind of people take the
train?” Mom asks.
“The best kind,” Naledi says.
Who takes the train?
Illustrator: Ntembiso Velemane
Author: Mabel Mnensa
Designer: Carla Latsky
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Editor: Ester Levinrad
Reader: Melissa America