I am the middle one.
Not the first born.
Not the last born.
The one in the middle!
The one in the middle can be so easy to forget.
And easy to leave out.
But that’s okay because I am also the one with IDEAS!
Look what I can
make from just this cardboard box!
A BEAUTIFUL house…with real doors and windows.
My house has an
extra special bed,
Some days my house
is also a shop.
And on other days it’s a VERY FANTASTIC show.
Sometimes my house
is just for me!
And sometimes it’s a house for three!
I am the middle one.
Not the first born.
Not the last born.
The one in the middle!
And that’s the best place for me.
The one in the middle
The one in the middle
Illustrator: Neeske Alexander
Author: Kirsty Paxton
Designer: Melissa Visser
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Website: https://bookdash.org/
Editor: Diane Awerbuck