Super 3 and the Gloomy Cloud

Super 3 and the Gloomy Cloud

Super 3 and the Gloomy Cloud

Who? What? Where?  When?  Why? 

Use the questions that follow to start a discussion around what happened in the story.  Remember, talking with your child will help them understand the story and grow their language skills. 



Super 3 and the Gloomy Cloud Questions

  1. Why had Layla, Themba and George been unable to go to school? 
  2. Who showed up at school with a Gloomy Cloud hanging over him? 
  3. What are some of the things the children did to make the Gloomy Clouds disappear? 
  4. When the Gloomy Cloud burst and Themba began to cry, what happened to Layla and George?
  5. Where was Themba going that made the friends sad?