“What’s for supper?”
asked Sam.
“It’s a surprise”,
said Mama,
putting a big pot
on the stove.
She added a jug of water.
Sam was worried.
“Are we having water for supper?”
he wailed.
“It’s a surprise. Wait and see.”
replied Mama.
“Can I help?” asked Sam. “I could stir.”
“You are still a bit short,”
said Mama.
“The pot might fall over.
But you can help me
by fetching things.”
“Can you bring me an onion, please.”
“This doesn’t smell very nice.”
They will taste nice once
they are cooked.”
“Now I need some tomatoes.
No, that is an apple.
The tomatoes are also round and red,
but you will find them in the fridge.”
“Can you bring me potatoes.
They are round and brown.”
“Is supper ready yet?”
“If you are hungry you can
eat the apple
while you wait.”
“What about these?”
“No, we won’t need biscuits.
We can save those
for after supper.”
“What’s in the pot?”
“It’s a surprise. Wait and see.”
“What about this?”
“That is a watermelon. It will be too big
for the pot.”
“See if you can find some spinach.
It is also green.”
Please get some bread.
No, it won’t go into the pot
but on the table.”
Mama carried the pot to
the table and started to dish up.
“What’s in the pot?”
asked Sam
My favourite!
Whats in the Pot
What’s in the Pot?
Illustrator: Hayley Alonzo
Author: Crystal Warren
Designer: Rat Western
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
Website: https://bookdash.org/
Editor: Nabeela Latha Kalla