My happy place

This story is about me, and an Old Age Home.
It is a big building in Bertrams, Johannesburg. The walls are colourful, and it is clean and quiet inside. The people that live there are very old. My mother took us there one day.
This Old Age Home is my happy place! I become happy whenever I see old people and can help them.
One day I went there and I washed some of the old people's hair.
I also served them food. Some of the old people were scary, but it still made me happy to be there.
There was this old angry lady who didn't want anybody to help her. She would start shouting.
There was another old lady, I held her hands and she didn't want to let go. Her hands were soft and warm. She had the same name as my sister, Aisha.
Old people make me happy. They have stories of past times which I will never know.

Abduragmaan Fortune - My Happy place

African Storybook Initiative 2015

African Storybook Initiative 2015